AMM Farhad is an acclaimed Banking professional of more than 38 years, starting a career as a probationer rose to the top management position gained diverse experience from the day-to-day operations in branches, units to managing asset-liability to overseeing the total activity of a financial institution in the corporate office. He is a versatile leader with the understanding on Banking and Financial products, Treasury Management, Retail Customer Management and Customer Relationship Building, Cross Broader payment Management and Remittances, Alternative Delivery Channel Creation, Improving Customer service, Critical thinking, Generating Innovative Ideas, Using Technology in Banking and Financial environment, Empathetic Team Player, Flair in leading teams. In different leading role he has working experience with state owned also with private commercial banks Agrani Bank, IFIC Bank, Standard Chartered Bank, NCC Bank Ltd. He also served as the Managing Director and CEO with global brand like Placid NK Corporation to manage its International Network and lead its Malaysian Business. His last role was with Social Islami Bank Limited and he had led the International Trade, Remittances, Alternative Delivery Channels including Agent Banking and Cards, Learning and Development Centre and led the Anti –Money Laundering Department as Chief Anti-Money Laundering Officer. Rose there to the Additional Managing Director of the Bank. He has membership and other affiliations with American Chamber of Commerce in Bangladesh (AMCHAM), Secretary-General, SWIFT Member and User Group, Bangladesh, Member, Board of Directors, SIBL Securities Ltd and SIBL Investment Ltd, Independent Director, Prokritee, a Fair Trade Organization in Bangladesh. Attended professional training, seminars, workshops in Bangladesh and other countries including the USA under the auspices of Standard Chartered Bank. He has felicitated with Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) with honors and M.A. of the University of Chittagong, Bangladesh.
Avenue – 3, Road- 12, House 842, Mirpur- DOHS
Cell: +88 013 05 53 41 41