Renowned economist and visionary leader Md. Mostafizur Rahman Sarder is the name in structural economic development in Bangladesh. In his glorious profession career, he has over 32 years’ hands on experience with Bangladesh Bank, the Central Bank of Bangladesh from Assistant Director to Executive Director. During this time, working on different departments of Bangladesh Bank like; Research Department, Foreign Exchange Policy Department, Monetary Policy Department and Bangladesh Bank Training Academy. Also, during this time, acquired knowledge and having practical experiences on Monetary and Credit Programming, Foreign Exchange Market Operations, Foreign Exchange Policy, Financial Market Operation and Exchange Rate Monitoring in the context of Bangladesh economy as well as World economy. He is the life Member of Bangladesh Economic Association. During 28 years actively working with Bangladesh Economic Association as elected Treasurer, Joint Secretary, Assistant Secretary, EC Member and now acting as Vice-President of the Executive Committee. He has participated courses arranged by Deutsche Bundes Bank, Germany The Course titled “Central Bank Governance”, “Certified Training Professional Program” held in Malaysia, “Monetary and Exchange Rate Policy” organized by International Monetary Fund, Langkawi, Malaysia, “Foreign Exchange Risk Management” held in Philippines, “Monetary Theory and Policy” held in Switzerland, “Research Methodology” “Computer Operation and Programing” “Macro Monetary Management” “Computer Based MIS in Banks” organized by Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management also “Sustainable Exchange Rate Policy & Management” “SME Banking Policy & Loan Origination” “Training of Trainers” organized by Bangladesh Bank Training Academy. His publications are Textile Industry: Prospective Sector in Economic Development of Bangladesh, Bangladesh Journal of Political Economy, 2011, Vol-27, No-1&2, PP (9-29), Open Market Operation and Bangladesh Bank Role for Financial Development, Bangladesh Journal of Political Economy, 2012, Vol-27, No-1&2, PP (85-106), Prospect of Ceramic Products of Bangladesh: A Case Study, Bangladesh Journal of Political Economy, 2011, Vol-27, No-1&2, PP (141-150), Dynamics of Micro Finance Programs in Poverty Alleviation in Bangladesh: Present Status Challenges and Policy Actions, Bangladesh Journal of Political Economy, 2013, Vol-29, No-2, PP (47-68), An Analysis of Recent Trends of Agricultural Credit in Bangladesh, Bangladesh Journal of Political Economy, 2016, Vol-27, No-1&2, PP (475-484), Global Integrated Financial Market and Forecasting of M2 in Bangladesh, Bangladesh Economic Association Samoeki, 2004, PP (253-262), Online Banking: Bangladesh Perspectives, Bangladesh Economic Association Samoeki, 2010, PP (513-522), Leather Products: Prospects & Impact on Export Earning of Bangladesh, Bangladesh Economic Association Samoeki, 2010, PP (958-968), Jute Industry: Global Scenario & Future Prospect for Bangladesh, Bangladesh Economic Association Samoeki, 2012, PP (601-628).
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